I worked with a Ukrainian once, her name was Kate. My catch phrase with her was "Hello, My nama Kate," which I said in a very poor Russian accent. We sold Verizon together and her English was patchy at best. The funniest thing about the whole situation was that she always bagged contracts with people who didn't speak English OR Ukrainian. I would walk up behind her and talk to the customer and they would just give me a blank stare.
I glanced at her. "Kate, do these people speak english?"
"Ahhh," she shook her head. "Doubtful. It fine we work everything out."
I was in a rush so I just shrugged it off and went about my business. Later in the car I was looking over her contracts because she was new, and I couldn't help but notice she had done, well, EVERYTHING wrong.
"Kate! What the heck is this?"
"What you mean?" she gave me a confused look.
"This isnt the right price! You lied to them!"
She laughed. "No, no it fine, I tell them price go up."
"But they didn't even sign the contract!"
"Here, I fix," She grabbed the contract and scribbled a name down.
She just didn't understand that she couldn't do that. I was literally crying from laughing so hard. I'm laughing now actually just thinking about it. She was the best pep talker too. I'd get sulky because I wasn't landing any business, she wasn't either, but she knew better than to wallow in self pity. She would always say to me: "You look like a gay. You are little B*tch who cannot close deal. Get over it."
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