Thursday, August 27, 2015

Life Without Spell Check

Now there's a scary thought...sounds more like the appocalypse to me. Actually, as an expirement I'm going to pretend like I don't have spell check and do this blog post completely from my own knowledge of the English language...It's not going to be pretty, My spelling has never been the best, let alone my grammer...

Ahhp...I spelled grammar wrong, but in the spirit of fair play I won't go back and correct it.  I hope none of my future employers use this blog as a reference for my writing style...I went to college and I'm good, I swear.

Anyway, the reason I'm doing this post is a simple one. My current residence of work has a computer system from like 1999 and NOTHING has spell check. I'm sending emails to clients without knowing if what I'm saying is spelled the right way and it's absolutly terrifying. I can't even sent an email to a plumber, how will I ever become and author or a promotional writer? Odds for me landing a career in the writing world aren't looking so hot.

Oh how I curse past tense Ben for taking those squiggly red lines for granted. What was I thinking 11th grade me cheating off Jocelynn Duvall on virtually every vocab assignment...WHY???

I have, however, been forced to rectify my ways. ones forcing me, but I'm so sick of my writing performance & email edicate that I'm doing something about it. ( have no idea how frusterating it is typing a word and hitting space and seeing it come up red and knowing that you can't go back and fix it. I curse this infuriating game i've created)

Here's a list of words that give me headaches on the daily. These are the ones I HATE. No matter how many times I use them I never remember the right way without spell check.

1.) Restaurant - Well that's stupid, I just spelled it right...but it was a guess. I SWEAR. No single word gives me more trouble, I mean WHAT is with that AU?

2.) Tommorrow - There! phew, I spelled a word on my list wrong. I already know it's that God forsaken double m but I always second guess myself. Kind of like when you say a word over and over again then after a while you're like..."What is this foreign language I'm mumbling?"

3.) Accommidation - WHY. why. I nail the double letters and then that stupid "I" threw a monkey wrench in the works.  

4.) Vaccuum - HOW CAN THAT BE WRONG? Two C's has got to be right. Vaccum. *&%$. Well that word doesn't even make sense either. Of course its the two U's. OF COURSE.

5.) Occurance - I don't even know where I went wrong there...maybe ence? This is making me angry. Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know. (You're welcome Brand New fans).

Those are only 5 words, i assure you there's many more but I'm going to stop now in order to keep this posts length manageable. I swear all two of my readers have already moved onto bigger and better things, I know I would have...(Uhg...this guys post is SO long and he can't even spell proffessor right.)

Fortunately we live in a world where methods to double check your self are almost infinite. It's not like the internet's ACTUALLY going to go down, or technoligy (I quit. Game over. I lose. I'm never ever going to be a writer.) with spell checking capabilities will cease to exist.

Not being able to spell doesn't mean I'm stupid,  it just means I'm care free enough not to stress out over the details. I don't need to worry about spelling and grammar because this is the 21st century. Now everyone born before 1985 and not dependent on technology to do their thinking for them is like:

According to the Microsoft word 2000 program on this ancient computer I spelled 13 words wrong...can you find them all on your own?

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