Saturday, April 6, 2013

Work Work Work

Well, its that time of year again. School is coming to a close, and classes are getting harder and harder. On top of that I have the increasing strain of wondering what sort of work I'll be doing this summer to not only pay for school but gain critical experience in the work force.
Then there's the increasing strain that all us writers have, our books.There's a competition coming up where two agents will be reviewing the winners and i really really want to win. But i have so much work to do. It's like when i think about it the first 10,000 words of my book have so many problems that its impossible to fix them let alone the entire novel. So why bother being a writer?

All i really want to do is sit down and work on my M.S. for hours, hone it to perfection, get published, be successful,  find a beautiful woman, have my book adapted into an awesome T'V series, have a pet Siberian tiger, and life happily ever after.

But of course, life doesn't work that way.
So this morning after ill advisedly sleeping in til 12 I woke up in a frantic panic and began my daily search of scouring the internet for jobs that pay well and provide good experience.
Of course all I found were un-paid internship...
Then i called and texted just about everyone i knew for the possibility of a job and made little headway.
I was feeling so incredibly stressed. I HAD to do something.

You all know that feeling, everything seems helpless and you cant help but start to freak out?

So i took a break from freaking out, prayed to God that he would give me the peace of mind to place everything in his hands, and then i took a long walk to the top of a mountain near my school.
Yupppppp. pretty awesome right? And let me tell you, the view was spectacular. I sat there for an hour and just breathed. I didn't worry about the things beyond my control, and I felt free.
I think we all just need a break sometimes.
The moment to take a step back and reflect isn't when you have time but when you have no time.
So stop what you're doing, and take a walk. Fresh air is good for you, enjoy it.

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